Schlagwort: USA

  • Lynn Walsh: Das Suez-Fiasko 1956

    [eigene Übersetzung des englischen Textes in Socialism Today, No 104, Oktober 2006] Vor fünfzig Jahren marschierte der britische Imperialismus im Bündnis mit Frankreich und in geheimer Absprache mit Israel in Ägypten ein. Das Abenteuer war die Antwort der Tory-Regierung auf die Verstaatlichung des Suezkanals durch das Nasser-Regime. In Großbritannien gab es Massenproteste. Die Militäraktion ging…

  • Lynn Walsh: On the Brink of War

    [Militant No. 1006, 31 August 1990, p. 8 and 9] Lynn Walsh looks at the effect on the world The forces for war in the Middle East are in place. The massive build-up of US weaponry and troops continues day and night. For the moment US president Bush appears to have stepped back from the…

  • Lynn Walsh: Trickle down

    [Militant, No. 1265, 1 March 1996, p. 8 and 9] Making the rich richer benefits the poor, argue right-wing economists. Reality proves otherwise, says Lynn Walsh. Trickle down Rich and poor in the USA In the 1930s, Franklin D. Roosevelt, the United States president who introduced the reformist New Deal policy, in which government money…

  • Lynn Walsh: The Struggle for Peace … is the Struggle for Socialism

    [Militant No. 649, 6 May 1983, p. 8 and 9] The British government recently carried out an underground nuclear test in Nevada. The press reported that it had been a „small explosion“, equivalent to less than 20,000 tons of TNT, about the size of the bomb that obliterated Hiroshima in 1945. But this bomb was…

  • Militant: Iranian Fiasco

    [Editorial, Militant no. 501, p. 2] The abortive attempt to rescue the 50 American hostages from the embassy in Tehran was a desperate measure on the part of Carter. The President himself had earlier said that any such attempt would almost certainly lead to the death of the hostages. Yet clearly, the pressure of public…

  • Lynn Walsh: U.S.: Wealth and Poverty!

    [Militant No. 19, September 1966, p. 2 and 3. Of course in later texts Lynn Walsh did not use the word “Negro” any more] Struggle of Negro workers and students By Lynn Walsh The United States of America is the richest country in the history of the World. Its productive wealth has recently been estimated…

  • Lynn Walsh: Vietnam: Puppet Kỳ Rocked by Massive Demonstrations

    [Militant No. 16, May 1966, p. 2] By Lynn Walsh For several weeks, beginning in March and continuing through April, the main cities of South Vietnam have been convulsed by mass demonstrations directed against the military junta and against the enforced occupation of US. imperialism. These demonstrations, often with up to 25,000 participating, have shattered…

  • Lynn Walsh: Victory for US unions

    [Socialism Today, No 22, October 1997, p. 22-27] Teamsters Rock UPS Picket lines turned into celebrations on 19 August, when the provisional agreement with UPS was announced. Through determined, united action, 185,000 Teamsters had defeated Big Brown, the Universal Parcel Service of America, Inc. Lynn Walsh reports. “Outside the UPS depot on the West Side…

  • Lynn Walsh: The meaning of the mid-term elections

    [Socialism Today, No 34, December 1998 – January 1999, p. 16-19] The tactics adopted by the Republicans in the US mid-term elections rebounded on them. Their campaign to turn the elections into a plebiscite on the impeachment of the president was decisively rejected by voters. This has not only strengthened Clinton’s position, but seriously damaged…

  • Lynn Walsh: US-Russian Relations

    [Socialism Today, No 3, November 1995, p. 23-28] The End of the Affair Washington’s love affair with budding Russian capitalism has run into serious complications. Early romantic illusions, stimulated by the Western capitalists’ greed for profits, have gone. Instead of prosperity, the biggest slump in modern times. Instead of a flowering parliamentary democracy, a Bonapartist…