Kategorie: CWI and prehistory
Lynn Walsh: Postscript [to the new edition of Jan Valtin’s Out of the Night]
[Jan Valtin, Out of the Night, Fortress, London 1988, p. 659-677] Jan Valtin’s Out of the Night was first published in 1941 in the United States, by the Alliance Book Corporation of New York. It immediately became a best seller, and eventually sold over a million copies. The first British edition was published in May…
Lynn Walsh: No to Bosses Club! Fight for a Workers‘ Europe!
[Militant No. 570, 25 September 1981, p. 12 and 14, as part of a feature dedicated to the Labour Party Conference 1981] By Lynn Walsh With the help of an almost unprecedented press and propaganda campaign, British big business managed to secure a ‚yes‘ vote for EEC entry in the 1975 referendum. But how many…
Lynn Walsh: Strangulation of Free Trade Marks End of Boom
[Militant No. 580, 4 December 1981 p. 8 and 9] By Lynn Walsh The expansion and liberalisation of world trade was a vital factor in the long post-war boom of Western capitalism. Without it, the enormous upswing could not have developed to the extent it did. Nor could it have been prolonged for over three…
Lynn Walsh: The Rise and Fall of the Welfare State
[Militant No. 1252, 10 November 1995, p. 8 and 9] „Politicians of all hues now agree we can no longer afford the welfare state,“ proclaimed a recent Guardian headline (18 September). The growth of the social security budget is „unsustainable“, claims Peter Lilley, Tory Social Security Secretary. Lynn Walsh looks at – The Rise and…
Lynn Walsh: On the Brink of War
[Militant No. 1006, 31 August 1990, p. 8 and 9] Lynn Walsh looks at the effect on the world The forces for war in the Middle East are in place. The massive build-up of US weaponry and troops continues day and night. For the moment US president Bush appears to have stepped back from the…
Militant: Creeping Protectionism
[unsigned, Militant No. 580, 4 December 1981, p. 8] The open trading system, on which the post-war success of western capitalism was based, is slowly being strangled by creeping protectionism. Faced with prolonged world recession, rival capitalist states are abandoning liberal trade policies and adopting ‚beggar thy neighbour‘ measures in an effort to defend their…
Lynn Walsh: Trickle down
[Militant, No. 1265, 1 March 1996, p. 8 and 9] Making the rich richer benefits the poor, argue right-wing economists. Reality proves otherwise, says Lynn Walsh. Trickle down Rich and poor in the USA In the 1930s, Franklin D. Roosevelt, the United States president who introduced the reformist New Deal policy, in which government money…
Lynn Walsh: Russian leaders admit frame-ups
[Militant No. 884, 19 February 1988, p. 6] One of the most famous ‘non-persons’ of the Russian revolution has been officially readmitted to the pages of soviet history. By Lynn Walsh Nikolai Bukharin, prominent Bolshevik leader and friend of Lenin, was not a traitor, spy, or fascist agent. Like twenty other defendants, he was the…
Lynn Walsh: Poland: Defeat for workers – but military can’t solve crisis
[Militant No 583, 8 January 1982, p. 9] By Lynn Walsh With brutal efficiency General Jaruzelski’s military council has consolidated the reaction of Poland’s ruling bureaucracy. Thousands of Solidarity leaders have been arrested and interned or thrown into jail. Military trials, for the „crime“ of fighting for trade union rights and political freedoms for the…
Lynn Walsh: Vietnam
[Militant No. 131, 17 November 1972, p. 2] By Lyn [sic!] Walsh (Ardwick) Manchester Labour Party With hypocrisy probably unprecedented in history, Nixon posed in his election campaign as the candidate fighting for “peace with honour’. He and Kissinger even had the impudence to pose as peace-loving mediators between the war-mongers in Hanoi and Saigon.…