Kategorie: CWI and prehistory
Lynn Walsh: Vietnam Pounded – But Nixon will not escape defeat
[Militant No. 136, 29 December 1972, p. 1 and 2] By Lynn Walsh (Ardwick Labour Party) The vast armoury of mighty American imperialism has once more been unleashed in full force upon the people of North Vietnam. 600 B52 bombers have been pounding the cities. Since the war began, no less than seven million tons…
Lynn Walsh: Socialist Answer to Fascism
[Militant No. 340, 28 January 1977, p. 5] Significant gains have been chalked up by the National Front in recent parliamentary and local elections. Exploiting bitter disillusionment with the policies of the Labour government. they use vile racist propaganda to whip up support. They are generously supported by the bosses’ gutter press with its sensational…
Lynn Walsh: The Struggle for Peace … is the Struggle for Socialism
[Militant No. 649, 6 May 1983, p. 8 and 9] The British government recently carried out an underground nuclear test in Nevada. The press reported that it had been a „small explosion“, equivalent to less than 20,000 tons of TNT, about the size of the bomb that obliterated Hiroshima in 1945. But this bomb was…
Lynn Walsh: Poland: Military crush workers rights
[Militant No. 582, 18 December 1981, p. 10] Last weekend (12/13 December) the army moved to establish martial law throughout Poland. The government of General Jaruzelski has arrested Solidarity leaders, „suspended“ Solidarity itself, declared strikes illegal „for the time being,“ and in effect clawed back for the bureaucracy all the democratic gains of the last…
Lynn Walsh: Iran: Peacock Throne Crumbling
[Militant No. 436, 15 December 1978] Last weekend the whole of Iran was paralysed by massive demonstrations as millions and millions of people took to the streets demanding an end to the Shah’s dictatorship. On Sunday, a million people flooded the streets of Tehran. Next day, even more came out. The army, incapable of damming…
Lynn Walsh: Leon Trotsky: 1879-1979
[Militant No 477, 2 November 1979, p. 8 and 9] A Hundred Years After his Birth, Militant Celebrates a Great Revolutionary Leon Trotsky: 1879-1979 What need is there to justify celebration of the 100th anniversary of Leon Trotsky’s birth? Known to history by his pseudonym, Trotsky was born Lev Davidovitch Bronstein in the Ukraine on…
Lynn Walsh: 50 years after D-Day: The World at War
[Militant, No. 1185, 10 June 1994, p 8 and 9] Despite saturation coverage, none of the TV programmes have fully analysed what really lay behind the D-Day landings. Lynn Walsh, editor of Militant International Review, explains: Scoundrels in the theme-park The Tories made a big mistake when they tried to use the D-Day anniversary to…
Lynn Walsh: Fighting Crime?
[Militant No. 573, 16 October 1981, p 7 and 11] What do the police chiefs really mean by “fighting crime“? Two weeks ago Militant 571 made the case for democratic accountability of the police and trade union rights for police ranks. Now we investigate the “fight against crime“. „Law and order“ has long been a…
Lyon Walsh: Only the Labour Movement can prevent World War
[Militant No. 505, 30 May 1980, p. 8 and 9] Military rivalry and war – potentially the danger of a totally destructive world war – is rooted in capitalist society. How could it be otherwise in a system based on class exploitation and oppression, with irreconcilable national rivalries between the powers and the neo-colonial exploitation…
Lynn Walsh: Will the oil price rise mean recession?
Crisis in the Gulf Will the oil price rise mean recession? [Militant No. 1004, 10 August 1990, p. 11] The current oil price rise is only a fraction of those of 1973 and 1979, yet it has provoked panic on the world’s stock exchanges. So rickety is the economic framework globally that the capitalists fear…