Schlagwort: 1988

  • Lynn Walsh: Russian leaders admit frame-ups

    [Militant No. 884, 19 February 1988, p. 6] One of the most famous ‘non-persons’ of the Russian revolution has been officially readmitted to the pages of soviet history. By Lynn Walsh Nikolai Bukharin, prominent Bolshevik leader and friend of Lenin, was not a traitor, spy, or fascist agent. Like twenty other defendants, he was the…

  • Lynn Walsh: Out of the Night – An epic story

    [Militant No. 919, 28th October 1988, p. 4] Fact, fiction or fantasy? reader asks To mark the republication of Jan Valtin’s classic, Out of the Night, Militant (Issue 916) reprinted a review by Peter Taaffe which first appeared In Militant 291. In response, Mick Jones of Chester wrote criticising this as an „uncritical and romanticised…

  • Lynn Walsh: 1688 – The myth of the ‘glorious’ revolution

    [Militant No. 904, 8th July 1988, p. 8-9] The events of 1688 had a happy ending for the ruling class. Without any real conflict, the dangerous James II was replaced by the admirable William and Mary. The contending factions, Whigs and Tories, were harmoniously united in adopting the Bill of Rights. By Lynn Walsh This…

  • Lynn Walsh: Tories incite bigots

    [Militant No. 883, 12th February 1988, p. 6] The Lords last week approved a pernicious law. Clause 28 of the Tories‘ Local Government Bill will become infamous. The Bill now says that local authorities „shall not promote homosexuality or publish material for the promotion of homosexuality“. Nor shall they „promote the teaching in any maintained…

  • Lynn Walsh: Spycatcher, Thatcher and the State

    [Militant International Review, No 36, Winter 1988, p. 28-35] Thatcher’s prolonged battle to suppress Spycatcher, the memoirs of former MI5 officer Peter Wright, have once again focussed attention on the role of the secret security and intelligence services. Enormous resources have been used to prevent Wright’s disclosures reaching a mass audience. At least £1 million…

  • Lynn Walsh: Die Wirtschaft der Perestroika

    [Militant International Review, Nr 37, Sommer 1988, S. 19-21] Abel Aganbegjan ist Gorbatschows Haupt-Wirtschaftsberater. Die jüngste Veröffentlichung seines Buches „The Challenge: Economics of Perestroika“ (Hutchinson £8.95) im Westen ist ein Hinweis auf die tiefe Krise, in der sich die herrschende Bürokratie der Sowjetunion befindet. Bis vor kurzem haben die offiziellen sowjetischen Ökonomen geleugnet, dass es…

  • Lynn Walsh: The economics of Perestroika

    [Militant International Review, No 37, Summer 1988, p. 19-21] Abel Aganbegyan is Gorbachev’s chief economic advisor. The recent publication in the West of his book, The Challenge: Economics of Perestroika (Hutchinson £8.95), is itself an indication of the profound crisis now facing the ruling bureaucracy of the Soviet Union. Until recently official Soviet economists denied…

  • Militant: Introduction (to the pamphlet “Stalinism in Crisis“)

    [pamphlet “Stalinism in Crisis“, p. 1] Since Gorbachev’s first statements about glasnost in 1986, and his speech at the February 1987 Communist Party congress, the ruling bureaucracy in the Soviet Union has been in turmoil. More significantly, the divisions and splits at the top have been the signal for the biggest movement of the working…

  • Peter Taaffe: Gorbachev’s National Dilemma

    [25 March 1988, pamphlet „Stalinism in Crisis“, p. 19-29] The mighty events in Armenia just a few weeks ago have shaken the Stalinist regime represented by Gorbachev to its foundations. Never before, at least in its own ‘backyard’, has the bureaucratic elite which dominates Russian society faced a challenge on such a scale. A mounting…

  • Peter Taaffe: Spaltungen an der Spitze, Umwälzungen von unten

    [20. Mai 1988, Broschüre „Stalinism in Crisis“ (Stalinismus in der Krise), S. 10-17] „Die Revolution beginnt von oben“, sagte Marx. Weil sie eine bevorstehende Revolte der Arbeiter*innenklasse spüren, beginnen sich die Spitzen der Gesellschaft in verschiedene Lager aufzuspalten: Die einen suchen nach Reformen, um die Flut abzuwehren, während die anderen auf zunehmende Repression setzen. Marx…