Schlagwort: 1982

  • Lynn Walsh: Falkland-Krieg: Welche Lehren für die Arbeiter*innenbewegung?

    [eigene Übersetzung des englischen Textes in Militant International Review Nr. 22, Juni 1982, Einleitung und Fußnoten in Socialism Today, Nr. 108, April 2007 nach der Wiedergabe auf der Website von Socialism Today] Vor fünfundzwanzig Jahren führte Großbritannien einen fünfwöchigen Krieg mit Argentinien um die Falklandinseln oder Las Islas Malvinas. Der Krieg wurde durch die Besetzung…

  • Lynn Walsh: Poland: Defeat for workers – but military can’t solve crisis

    [Militant No 583, 8 January 1982, p. 9] By Lynn Walsh With brutal efficiency General Jaruzelski’s military council has consolidated the reaction of Poland’s ruling bureaucracy. Thousands of Solidarity leaders have been arrested and interned or thrown into jail. Military trials, for the „crime“ of fighting for trade union rights and political freedoms for the…

  • Lynn Walsh et al.: CIA infiltration of the Labour Movement

    Published by Militant 1 Mentmore Terrace London E8 3PN April 1982 ISBN 0 906582 04 0 This collection © Militant 1982 “Who were They travelling with?“ © Richard Fletcher 1975 Printed by Cambridge Heath Press Ltd (TU) Mentmore Works 1 Mentmore Terrace London E8 3PN CIA Infiltration of the Labour Movement Introduction. The CIA and…

  • Lynn Walsh: The Impasse of Argentine Capitalism

    [Militant No. 603, 28th May 1982, p. 8-9] By Lynn Walsh Galtieri launched his expedition to seize the Falklands in an attempt to escape from the consequences of Argentina’s profound social crisis. Despite the regime’s dictatorial powers, which have been used to crush trade union rights and imprison and torture the regime’s opponents, the military…

  • Lynn Walsh: Afghanistan – Regime is building basis of support

    [Militant No. 608, 2nd July 1982, p. 10] By Lynn Walsh Second of two-part article The Russian intervention had enormously reactionary consequences internationally, allowing the US government, Thatcher, and other Western leaders to justify a new spurt in the arms race. The confusion caused among workers throughout the world by Russia’s bureaucratic military invasion in…

  • Lynn Walsh: Afghanistan – Can the guerrillas ever win?

    [Militant No. 607, 25th June 1982, p. 11] First part of a two-part article by Lynn Walsh “Russians fight losing battle in Afghanistan.” This recent headline in The Times is typical of the capitalist press of the West, which has been predicting the imminent downfall of the Barbrak Karmal regime ever since the Russian forces…

  • Lynn Walsh: Lebanon

    [Militant No. 614, 13th August 1982, p. 1 and 2] The ruthless destruction of West Beirut by Israeli shelling and bombing has opened up the biggest split in Israel since the formation of the state. The terrible civilian casualties in particular, make this the bloodiest of the series of wars fought to defend the Zionist…

  • Rob Sewell: Crisis in Soviet Union

    [Militant International Review, No 23, October 1982, p. 13-22] Economy stifled by bureaucracy After six and a half decades of breathtaking progress, catastrophe and upheaval, the USSR still remains for many workers an enormous paradox. On the one side are the colossal achievements; and on the other is the repression of a totalitarian police dictatorship.…

  • Rob Sewell: Krise in der Sowjetunion

    Die Wirtschaft wird von der Bürokratie abgewürgt [eigene Übersetzung aus Militant International Review, Nr. 23, Oktober 1982, S. 13-22] Nach sechseinhalb Jahrzehnten mit atemberaubenden Fortschritten, Katastrophen und Umwälzungen bleibt die UdSSR für viele Arbeiter*innen immer noch ein enormes Paradoxon. Auf der einen Seite stehen die kolossalen Errungenschaften, auf der anderen Seite die Unterdrückung durch eine…