Schlagwort: William Clinton
Lynn Walsh: US-Russische Beziehungen
[Eigene Übersetzung des englischen Textes in Socialism Today, Nr. 3, November 1995, S. 23-28] Das Ende der Affäre Washingtons Liebesaffäre mit dem aufkeimenden russischen Kapitalismus ist auf ernste Komplikationen gestoßen. Die anfänglichen romantischen Illusionen, die durch die Profitgier der westlichen Kapitalist*innen geweckt wurden, sind verflogen. Statt Wohlstand gibt es nun die größte Wirtschaftskrise der Neuzeit.…
Lynn Walsh: The meaning of the mid-term elections
[Socialism Today, No 34, December 1998 – January 1999, p. 16-19] The tactics adopted by the Republicans in the US mid-term elections rebounded on them. Their campaign to turn the elections into a plebiscite on the impeachment of the president was decisively rejected by voters. This has not only strengthened Clinton’s position, but seriously damaged…
Lynn Walsh: The Politics of Zippergate
[Socialism Today, No. 6, March 1996, p. 16-19] The Chief Executive of the world’s most powerful state is embroiled in a new sleaze crisis – Zippergate. Incredibly, this revolves around the allegation that president Clinton had sex with a 21-year-old former White House intern, Monica Lewinsky, and that he and his advisors conspired to get…
Lynn Walsh: Tony & Bill
[Socialism Today, No. 19, June 1997, p. 15-17] Tony Blair’s invitation to Bill Clinton to become the first-ever overseas head of state to attend a British government cabinet meeting is another example of the close ties between the New Democrats and New Labour – from policies to presidential-style campaigning. Lynn Walsh writes. ‚So much of…