Schlagwort: Militant International Review

  • Lynn Walsh: Falkland-Krieg: Welche Lehren für die Arbeiter*innenbewegung?

    [eigene Übersetzung des englischen Textes in Militant International Review Nr. 22, Juni 1982, Einleitung und Fußnoten in Socialism Today, Nr. 108, April 2007 nach der Wiedergabe auf der Website von Socialism Today] Vor fünfundzwanzig Jahren führte Großbritannien einen fünfwöchigen Krieg mit Argentinien um die Falklandinseln oder Las Islas Malvinas. Der Krieg wurde durch die Besetzung…

  • Lynn Walsh: Kehren Polen und Ungarn zum Kapitalismus zurück?

    [eigene Übersetzung nach Militant International Review, No 42, Winter 1990, S. 16-27] Lynn Walsh geht der Frage nach, ob es möglich oder sogar wahrscheinlich ist, dass Polen und Ungarn in die Umlaufbahn des Kapitalismus zurückkehren könnten. Es gibt viele bedingte Faktoren. Die politische Revolution hat begonnen. Die erderschütternde Bewegung der Bergarbeiter*innen von Workuta, Sibirien und…

  • Lynn Walsh: Europe Isn’t Working

    [Militant International Review, No 57, May/June 1994, p. 15-21] What has happened to the grandiose Maastricht plans for a capitalist Euro-state? Lynn Walsh writes. For most people going to the polls on 9 June, the Euro elections will not be primarily about the European Union (EU) or its future. Throughout the Twelve, the vote will…

  • Texts by Lynn Walsh

    (chronologically, provisionally) Army Takes Over as Thousands of Communists Murdered in Indonesia [Militant, No. 15, April 1966, p. 3] Vietnam: Puppet Kỳ Rocked by Massive Demonstrations [Militant, No. 16, May 1966, p. 2] U.S.: Wealth and Poverty! [Militant No. 19, September 1966, p. 2 and 3] A Warning to Labour [Militant, No. 25, April 1967,…

  • Lynn Walsh: The General Strike: 1926 and Now

    [Militant International Review, No. 11, August 1976, p. 1-12] General strikes are not accidental occurrences, simply the result of mistakes or misunderstandings between leaders. Nor can general strikes be brought about merely by small groups of political activists calling for general-strike action regardless of the time and conditions. A general strike inevitably arises from the…

  • Lynn Walsh: Open warfare postponed

    [Militant International Review, No. 55, January/February 1994, p. 21-25] The main achievement of the GATT deal, argues Lynn Walsh, was to preserve the status quo – for now. The long delayed agreement on GATT, reached between US and European union representatives in Geneva on 4 December, was hailed by capitalist leaders as a great triumph…

  • Lynn Walsh: Comment – Dodging The Taxing Questions

    [Militant International Review, No 34, Spring 1987, p. 15-17] Prologue: A costly trip Last Summer, Labour’s deputy leader, Roy Hattersley, addressed a select covey of bankers and financiers at New York’s plush Waldorf Astoria Hotel. The trip was paid for by city stockbrokers, Samuel Montague (a subsidiary of Midland Bank). The aim, according to the…

  • Lynn Walsh: The Chinese Puzzle

    [Militant International Review, No 56, March 1994, p. 26-32] How can China’s ‘economic miracle’ and since Tiananmen, its apparent political stability, be explained? Lynn Walsh looks at The Chinese Puzzle. China, it seems, is different. Since 1989 the advanced capitalist countries have been experiencing recession and only feeble economic recoveries. Most of the economically underdeveloped…

  • Lynn Walsh: Spycatcher, Thatcher and the State

    [Militant International Review, No 36, Winter 1988, p. 28-35] Thatcher’s prolonged battle to suppress Spycatcher, the memoirs of former MI5 officer Peter Wright, have once again focussed attention on the role of the secret security and intelligence services. Enormous resources have been used to prevent Wright’s disclosures reaching a mass audience. At least £1 million…

  • Lynn Walsh: Deutsche Vereinigung: Triumph des Kapitalismus?

    [Militant International Review, Nr. 43, Frühjahr 1990, S. 14-22] Lynn Walsh argumentiert, dass der Zusammenbruch des stalinistischen Regimes in Ostdeutschland in Ermangelung einer klaren Alternative in Verbindung mit dem überwältigenden Eindruck des Wohlstands in Westdeutschland die Bewegung in Richtung der politischen Revolution, die durch die Massendemonstrationen des letzten Jahres eingeleitet wurde, untergraben hat. Was sind…