Schlagwort: Labour Party
Lynn Walsh: Nein zum Club der Bosse! Kämpft für ein Europa der Arbeiter*innen!
[Militant Nr. 570, 25. September 1981, S. 12 und 14, als Teil eines dem Labour Parteitag 1981 gewidmeten Features] Von Lynn Walsh Mit Hilfe einer fast beispiellosen Presse- und Propagandakampagne schafften es die britischen Großkonzerne, beim Referendum 1975 ein „Ja“ zum EWG-Beitritt zu erreichen. Aber wie viele Menschen, vor allem arbeitende Menschen, unterstützen heute den…
Lynn Walsh: Feature: Preisinflation – die Krankheit des Kapitalismus
[eigene Übersetzung des englischen Textes auf der Website der Socialist Party vom 16. Juli 2008] Die Preise für Lebensmittel und Brennstoffe steigen sprunghaft an, ebenso die Gas- und Stromrechnungen der Haushalte. Niemand bestreitet, dass die Hauptursache dafür die Explosion der Weltmarktpreise für Öl, Lebensmittel und andere Rohstoffe ist. Die Bezahlung der Arbeiter*innen hinkt hinterher, und…
Lynn Walsh: No to Bosses Club! Fight for a Workers‘ Europe!
[Militant No. 570, 25 September 1981, p. 12 and 14, as part of a feature dedicated to the Labour Party Conference 1981] By Lynn Walsh With the help of an almost unprecedented press and propaganda campaign, British big business managed to secure a ‚yes‘ vote for EEC entry in the 1975 referendum. But how many…
Lyon Walsh: Only the Labour Movement can prevent World War
[Militant No. 505, 30 May 1980, p. 8 and 9] Military rivalry and war – potentially the danger of a totally destructive world war – is rooted in capitalist society. How could it be otherwise in a system based on class exploitation and oppression, with irreconcilable national rivalries between the powers and the neo-colonial exploitation…
Lynn Walsh: A Warning to Labour
[Militant No. 25, April 1967, p. 1 and 3] Pollock, Rhonda West, Nuneaton, Honiton A Warning to Labour Attack Capital to Regain Support The recent by-elections in Rhondda West, Pollock Nuneaton and Honiton have each registered a sharp rejection of the policies of the Labour Government. Neither the Liberals nor the Tories made any significant…
Lynn Walsh: Right-Wing Rejects – And Labour’s Future
[Militant No. 536, 23rd January 1981, p. 8-9] The Labour Party must campaign to oust the Tories and fight for socialist policies The 24th January will be a crucial day for the Labour Party. By Lynn Walsh The great majority of Labour Party members will be waiting for the Special Conference to write into the…
Lynn Walsh: Labour right continue attack on party democracy
[Militant No. 471, 21st September 1979, p. 8-9] By Lynn Walsh Shirley Williams recently tried to dismiss the crucial debate on democracy within the Labour Party as “like the crewmen on the Titanic deciding to have a punch-up in the engine room.” Her speech, made to a fringe Fabian society meeting at the TUC in…
Lynn Walsh: Budget hand-outs: no substitute for socialist policies
[Militant No. 401, 14th April 1978, p. 2] By Lynn Walsh The labour movement will welcome the positive points in Denis Healey’s budget, which have already brought a torrent of criticism and denunciation from the Tories and big business. Most workers will be slightly better off as a result of the tax cuts. Low-income families…