Schlagwort: 1998

  • Lynn Walsh: Weltwirtschaftliche Turbulenzen

    [eigene Übersetzung des englischen Textes in Socialism Today, Nr. 32, Oktober 1998, S. 8-15] Der wirtschaftliche Zusammenbruch Russlands Ende August, ein weiteres zerbrochenes Glied in der Kette der internationalen Krise, markiert einen qualitativen Wendepunkt. Die bürgerlichen Strateg*innen waren schließlich gezwungen, sich der harten Realität zu stellen, der sie gegenüberstehen, schreibt Lynn Walsh. Asien, dessen interregionaler…

  • Lynn Walsh: Rural reaction

    [Socialism Today, No 27, April 1998, p. 9-10] Lynn Walsh on the Countryside Alliance, a political reaction dressed up in a populist lament about rural decline. The countryside’s march swamped central London on Sunday, 1 March. The night before, a chain of hilltop beacons rallied support and signalled the alleged threat to Rural England –…

  • Lynn Walsh: Western Crony Capitalism

    [Socialism Today, No 34, December 1998 – January 1999, p. 2-3] The insolvency and near collapse of Long Term Capital Management (LTCM), formerly the premier hedge fund, brought the world financial system to the very edge of meltdown. Only the rapid $3.6bn rescue organised by the Federal Reserve averted catastrophe. While LTCM has been bailed…

  • Lynn Walsh: The meaning of the mid-term elections

    [Socialism Today, No 34, December 1998 – January 1999, p. 16-19] The tactics adopted by the Republicans in the US mid-term elections rebounded on them. Their campaign to turn the elections into a plebiscite on the impeachment of the president was decisively rejected by voters. This has not only strengthened Clinton’s position, but seriously damaged…

  • Lynn Walsh: Capitalism’s Economic and Political Crisis

    [Socialism Today, No 32, October 1998, p. 8-15] Russia’s economic collapse at the end of August, one more broken link in the chain of international crisis, marked a qualitative turning-point. Bourgeois strategists were at last forced to confront the stark reality facing them, writes Lynn Walsh Asia, whose inter-regional and external trade makes up a…

  • Lynn Walsh: The Nightmare Scenario

    [Socialism Today, No. 30, July 1998] An obscene and potentially extremely dangerous nuclear arms race has opened up on the south Asian subcontinent. What lies behind this renewed arms race and what are the prospects for a nuclear exchange? Lynn Walsh writes. On 11-13 May, India (after 24 years without nuclear tests) carried out a…

  • Lynn Walsh: The Politics of Zippergate

    [Socialism Today, No. 6, March 1996, p. 16-19] The Chief Executive of the world’s most powerful state is embroiled in a new sleaze crisis – Zippergate. Incredibly, this revolves around the allegation that president Clinton had sex with a 21-year-old former White House intern, Monica Lewinsky, and that he and his advisors conspired to get…