Kategorie: 1934
Leon Trotsky: Objections and Answers: The People’s Militia
[Published in La Vérité on 2 November 1934. My own translation of the French text. Corrections by English native speakers would be extremely welcome] No workers‘ pacifism. To be able to struggle, we must preserve and strengthen the instruments and means of struggle: organisations, the press, meetings, etc. Fascism threatens all this directly and immediately.…
Leon Trotsky: On the answer of the English Section
[Letter to the IS, my own translation of the German text, typewritten copy in Lev Davidovič Trockij / International Left Opposition Archives, inventory number 1006, International Institute of Social History, Amsterdam]. I was only able to take a very cursory look at the document. It is, predictably, based entirely on the alleged expulsion of the…