Schlagwort: 1981
Lynn Walsh: Nein zum Club der Bosse! Kämpft für ein Europa der Arbeiter*innen!
[Militant Nr. 570, 25. September 1981, S. 12 und 14, als Teil eines dem Labour Parteitag 1981 gewidmeten Features] Von Lynn Walsh Mit Hilfe einer fast beispiellosen Presse- und Propagandakampagne schafften es die britischen Großkonzerne, beim Referendum 1975 ein „Ja“ zum EWG-Beitritt zu erreichen. Aber wie viele Menschen, vor allem arbeitende Menschen, unterstützen heute den…
Lynn Walsh: Der Staat: Ein marxistisches Programm und Übergangsforderungen
[eigene Übersetzung des am 23. April 2006 auf der Website der Socialist Party geposteten Textes] Antwort von Lynn Walsh, Vorstandsmitglied der Socialist Party, auf Michael Wainwright Einführung Am 29. März 2006 veröffentlichte Michael Wainwright im Jugendforum der Socialist Party eine Erklärung mit dem Titel „Re: Marxist*innen und der Staat“. Nach Durchsicht einiger unserer Materialien war…
Lynn Walsh: Die Strangulierung des Freihandels bedeutet das Ende des Booms
[eigene Übersetzung des englischen Textes in Militant Nr. 580, 4. Dezember 1981, S. 8 und 9) Von Lynn Walsh Die Ausweitung und Liberalisierung des Welthandels war ein entscheidender Faktor für den langen Nachkriegsboom des westlichen Kapitalismus. Ohne sie hätte sich der enorme Aufschwung nicht in dem Ausmaß entwickeln können, wie er es tat. Er hätte…
Lynn Walsh: No to Bosses Club! Fight for a Workers‘ Europe!
[Militant No. 570, 25 September 1981, p. 12 and 14, as part of a feature dedicated to the Labour Party Conference 1981] By Lynn Walsh With the help of an almost unprecedented press and propaganda campaign, British big business managed to secure a ‚yes‘ vote for EEC entry in the 1975 referendum. But how many…
Lynn Walsh: Strangulation of Free Trade Marks End of Boom
[Militant No. 580, 4 December 1981 p. 8 and 9] By Lynn Walsh The expansion and liberalisation of world trade was a vital factor in the long post-war boom of Western capitalism. Without it, the enormous upswing could not have developed to the extent it did. Nor could it have been prolonged for over three…
Lynn Walsh: Smear Campaign on CND Worthy of Goebbels
[Militant No. 653, 1st June 1981, p. 9] By Lynn Walsh Under Thatcher’s orders, the Foreign Office and Ministry of Defence are engaged in “the most concentrated propaganda campaign to be launched in Britain in peace time.” And this comes from the Tory Sunday Telegraph. The Tory leadership has been shaken by the growing protest…
Lynn Walsh: Right-Wing Rejects – And Labour’s Future
[Militant No. 536, 23rd January 1981, p. 8-9] The Labour Party must campaign to oust the Tories and fight for socialist policies The 24th January will be a crucial day for the Labour Party. By Lynn Walsh The great majority of Labour Party members will be waiting for the Special Conference to write into the…
Lynn Walsh: Make Police Accountable
[Militant No. 571, 3rd October 1981, p. 8-9] By Lynn Walsh The riots which erupted in Brixton, Toxteth and other cities in the summer of 1981 once again focused attention on the role of the police. In particular, they highlighted the almost complete lack of accountability, and the need for the labour movement to campaign…
Lynn Walsh: BBC censored: No Need to know
[Militant No. 539, 13th February 1981, p. 5] Just occasionally the BBC’s programme-makers investigate a sensitive, secret aspect of the state power. But when they do, they are immediately censored by the powers that be! This is clear from the decision to drop the screening of a special inquiry into the work of the British…
Lynn Walsh: ‘Smile Tho’ Your Jobs are Going’
[Militant No. 536, 23rd January 1981, p. 6] By Lynn Walsh Smile, Thatcher urged us in her New Year message, and things will soon be getting better. Do the Tories really believe this? Is their “optimism” a cynical con-trick, or are they really self-deluded idiots? Faced with gloomy predictions from all the main economic commentators,…