Schlagwort: 1967

  • Lynn Walsh: Aden: Imperialism kicked out

    [Militant No. 30, October 1967, p. 2] by Lynn Walsh (Basingstoke C.L.P.) Gone are the days when British Imperialism could withdraw from its colonies with “dignity”. The flags of the liberation movement are already flying throughout the Aden Federation in open defiance of British forces, despite the fact that the flag-hauling ceremony has been arranged…

  • Lynn Walsh: Nigerian War: Heritage of Imperialism

    [Militant No. 31, November 1967, p. 1 and 3] The Biafran army is being mopped up. Colonel Ojukwu’s promotion to General marks the defeat of his bold attempt to set up an autonomous state within the Federation of Nigeria. In the long run his intelligent, determined manoeuvres, such as the swift seizure of the Mid-West,…

  • Peter Taaffe: The Cultural Revolution

    [Published in Militant, February 1967, Reprinted in the pamphlet China. The Tradition of Struggle, June 1989, p. 24-26] Within the last month events within China have taken a dramatic turn. Reports of fierce clashes between forces for and against Mao Zedong, strikes, allegations of ‘sabotage’ etc, have been splashed across the pages of the capitalist…

  • Peter Taaffe: Die Kulturrevolution

    [Militant, Februar 1967, eigene Übersetzung aus dem Nachdruck in der Broschüre China – Die Tradition des Kampfes von 1989] Innerhalb des letzten Monats haben die Ereignisse in China eine dramatische Wendung genommen. Berichte über heftige Zusammenstöße zwischen den Kräften für und gegen Mao Zedong, Streiks, Anschuldigungen wegen „Sabotage“ usw. wurden über die Seiten der kapitalistischen…