Schlagwort: US
Lynn Walsh: Vietnam Pounded – But Nixon will not escape defeat
[Militant No. 136, 29 December 1972, p. 1 and 2] By Lynn Walsh (Ardwick Labour Party) The vast armoury of mighty American imperialism has once more been unleashed in full force upon the people of North Vietnam. 600 B52 bombers have been pounding the cities. Since the war began, no less than seven million tons…
Lynn Walsh: Afghanistan – Can the guerrillas ever win?
[Militant No. 607, 25th June 1982, p. 11] First part of a two-part article by Lynn Walsh “Russians fight losing battle in Afghanistan.” This recent headline in The Times is typical of the capitalist press of the West, which has been predicting the imminent downfall of the Barbrak Karmal regime ever since the Russian forces…
Lynn Walsh: Afghanistan – Invaded or Liberated?
[Militant No. 499, 18th April 1980, p. 11] What should be the attitude of Marxists to Russia’s involvement in Afghanistan? We print right two letters from our readers [first printed in our 21 March edition] which raise two alternatives and a reply below from Lynn Walsh. The letters on Afghanistan from Chris Evers and Tom…
Lynn Walsh: Afghanistan – Who would benefit from the withdrawal of Russian forces now?
[Militant No. 491, 22nd February 1980, p. 11] In this, the second part of a two-part article, Lynn Walsh explains why ‘Militant’, which condemned the Russian intervention, does not call for their withdrawal now. Although US imperialism will not intervene directly in Afghanistan at this stage, they are already stepping up military aid to General…
Lynn Walsh: Afghanistan
[Militant No. 490, 15th February 1980, p. 10] Marxists could not support the Russian bureaucracy’s invasion because of its reactionary consequences internationally. But once Russian forces had gone in, it would have been wrong to call for their withdrawal. Dear Comrade, I have just read Ted Grant’s article on Afghanistan [Militant 486, 18 January]. The…
Lynn Walsh: Rhodesia: White Regime losing ground
[Militant No. 316, 6th August 1976, p. 8] Remorseless pressure from the guerrilla fighters is steadily undermining the position of the Smith regime. Despite all the usual official denials, it is clear that the Rhodesian security forces are having more and more difficulty holding their own. Not only have the guerilla incursions continued along the…
Lynn Walsh: Kampuchea – Who is responsible?
[Militant No. 478, 9th November 1979, p. 10] By Lynn Walsh Kampuchea [formerly Cambodia] is a devastated country. A majority of its remaining four to five million people face imminent starvation. Eighty or ninety per cent of the country’s children are suffering from malnutrition. Diseases like malaria, dysentery, and even anthrax – which can be…