Schlagwort: Reform
Lynn Walsh: Poland: Military crush workers rights
[Militant No. 582, 18 December 1981, p. 10] Last weekend (12/13 December) the army moved to establish martial law throughout Poland. The government of General Jaruzelski has arrested Solidarity leaders, „suspended“ Solidarity itself, declared strikes illegal „for the time being,“ and in effect clawed back for the bureaucracy all the democratic gains of the last…
Lynn Walsh: Deng draws the line at democracy.
[Militant No. 834, 13 February 1987, p. 10] When China’s student protestors put up posters demanding democracy, they signed them with pseudonyms. They remembered that the last big wave of student and youth protest, the Democratic Movement of 1978-79, was suppressed, and over 200 of its leaders jailed. By Lynn Walsh But one of the…
Lynn Walsh China: On the road to capitalism?
[Militant No. 820, 24 October 1986 p. 10] Do the current reforms raise the spectre of capitalist restoration? Even Reagan now refers to Deng’s group as ’so-called Communists‘, perhaps believing that they have seen the light. Those who argue this, whether eager capitalists or apprehensive socialists, greatly exaggerate the scope of the reforms. They are…
Leo Trotzki: Brief an das Politbüro der WKP(B)
[15. März 1933, eigene Übersetzung des russischen Textes. Korrekturen von russischen Muttersprachler*innen wären sehr willkommen. Der Brief, den Trotzki erst anderthalb Monate nach seiner Versendung bekannt machte, war ein „letzter“ Versuch in Richtung Reformierbarkeit des stalinistischen Regimes angesichts der Bedrohung der den deutschen Faschismus.] Geheim An das Politbüro der WKP(B) ich halte es für meine…