Schlagwort: Neo-liberalism
Lynn Walsh: The Rise and Fall of the Welfare State
[Militant No. 1252, 10 November 1995, p. 8 and 9] „Politicians of all hues now agree we can no longer afford the welfare state,“ proclaimed a recent Guardian headline (18 September). The growth of the social security budget is „unsustainable“, claims Peter Lilley, Tory Social Security Secretary. Lynn Walsh looks at – The Rise and…
Lynn Walsh: Trickle down
[Militant, No. 1265, 1 March 1996, p. 8 and 9] Making the rich richer benefits the poor, argue right-wing economists. Reality proves otherwise, says Lynn Walsh. Trickle down Rich and poor in the USA In the 1930s, Franklin D. Roosevelt, the United States president who introduced the reformist New Deal policy, in which government money…