Schlagwort: Imperialism
Lynn Walsh: On the Brink of War
[Militant No. 1006, 31 August 1990, p. 8 and 9] Lynn Walsh looks at the effect on the world The forces for war in the Middle East are in place. The massive build-up of US weaponry and troops continues day and night. For the moment US president Bush appears to have stepped back from the…
Lynn Walsh: Vietnam Pounded – But Nixon will not escape defeat
[Militant No. 136, 29 December 1972, p. 1 and 2] By Lynn Walsh (Ardwick Labour Party) The vast armoury of mighty American imperialism has once more been unleashed in full force upon the people of North Vietnam. 600 B52 bombers have been pounding the cities. Since the war began, no less than seven million tons…
Lynn Walsh: The Struggle for Peace … is the Struggle for Socialism
[Militant No. 649, 6 May 1983, p. 8 and 9] The British government recently carried out an underground nuclear test in Nevada. The press reported that it had been a „small explosion“, equivalent to less than 20,000 tons of TNT, about the size of the bomb that obliterated Hiroshima in 1945. But this bomb was…
Lynn Walsh: 50 years after D-Day: The World at War
[Militant, No. 1185, 10 June 1994, p 8 and 9] Despite saturation coverage, none of the TV programmes have fully analysed what really lay behind the D-Day landings. Lynn Walsh, editor of Militant International Review, explains: Scoundrels in the theme-park The Tories made a big mistake when they tried to use the D-Day anniversary to…
Militant: Iranian Fiasco
[Editorial, Militant no. 501, p. 2] The abortive attempt to rescue the 50 American hostages from the embassy in Tehran was a desperate measure on the part of Carter. The President himself had earlier said that any such attempt would almost certainly lead to the death of the hostages. Yet clearly, the pressure of public…
Lynn Walsh: Vietnam: Puppet Kỳ Rocked by Massive Demonstrations
[Militant No. 16, May 1966, p. 2] By Lynn Walsh For several weeks, beginning in March and continuing through April, the main cities of South Vietnam have been convulsed by mass demonstrations directed against the military junta and against the enforced occupation of US. imperialism. These demonstrations, often with up to 25,000 participating, have shattered…
Lynn Walsh: Nigerian War: Heritage of Imperialism
[Militant No. 31, November 1967, p. 1 and 3] The Biafran army is being mopped up. Colonel Ojukwu’s promotion to General marks the defeat of his bold attempt to set up an autonomous state within the Federation of Nigeria. In the long run his intelligent, determined manoeuvres, such as the swift seizure of the Mid-West,…
Lynn Walsh: Afghanistan – Can the guerrillas ever win?
[Militant No. 607, 25th June 1982, p. 11] First part of a two-part article by Lynn Walsh “Russians fight losing battle in Afghanistan.” This recent headline in The Times is typical of the capitalist press of the West, which has been predicting the imminent downfall of the Barbrak Karmal regime ever since the Russian forces…
Lynn Walsh: Afghanistan – Invaded or Liberated?
[Militant No. 499, 18th April 1980, p. 11] What should be the attitude of Marxists to Russia’s involvement in Afghanistan? We print right two letters from our readers [first printed in our 21 March edition] which raise two alternatives and a reply below from Lynn Walsh. The letters on Afghanistan from Chris Evers and Tom…