Schlagwort: Glasnost

  • Lynn Walsh: Russian leaders admit frame-ups

    [Militant No. 884, 19 February 1988, p. 6] One of the most famous ‘non-persons’ of the Russian revolution has been officially readmitted to the pages of soviet history. By Lynn Walsh Nikolai Bukharin, prominent Bolshevik leader and friend of Lenin, was not a traitor, spy, or fascist agent. Like twenty other defendants, he was the…

  • Militant: Introduction (to the pamphlet “Stalinism in Crisis“)

    [pamphlet “Stalinism in Crisis“, p. 1] Since Gorbachev’s first statements about glasnost in 1986, and his speech at the February 1987 Communist Party congress, the ruling bureaucracy in the Soviet Union has been in turmoil. More significantly, the divisions and splits at the top have been the signal for the biggest movement of the working…

  • Jeremy Birch: Bureaucracy or Workers’ Democracy?

    [pamphlet „Stalinism in Crisis“, p. 2-5] The western press’ enthusiastically applauded Gorbachev’s performance at the June 1988 special Communist Party conference. They praised his ‘democratic reforms’, his courage and steadfastness. Many workers and young people in Britain are now asking: Will Gorbachev really clear out bureaucratism, will the Russian workers now be able to enjoy…

  • Peter Taaffe: Splits at the Top, Upheavals from Below

    [20 May 1988, pamphlet „Stalinism in Crisis“, p. 10-17] “Revolution starts from the top”, said Marx. Sensing an impending revolt by the working class, the summits of society begin to split into different camps, one looking for reforms to stave off the deluge, while another looks towards increasing repression. Marx was speaking about differences within…

  • Peter Taaffe: Gorbachev’s National Dilemma

    [25 March 1988, pamphlet „Stalinism in Crisis“, p. 19-29] The mighty events in Armenia just a few weeks ago have shaken the Stalinist regime represented by Gorbachev to its foundations. Never before, at least in its own ‘backyard’, has the bureaucratic elite which dominates Russian society faced a challenge on such a scale. A mounting…

  • Peter Taaffe: Gorbatschow und die Linke

    [eigene Übersetzung des englischen Textes in Militant International Review, Nr. 42, Herbst 1988, S. 7-14] Peter Taaffe, Herausgeber des „Militant“, untersucht die Reaktion der Linken in der britischen Arbeiter*innenbewegung auf die turbulenten Ereignisse in der UdSSR und in Osteuropa. Der Machtantritt Gorbatschows vor mehr als drei Jahren war zweifelsohne ein bedeutendes Ereignis in der Entwicklung…

  • Peter Taaffe: Spaltungen an der Spitze, Umwälzungen von unten

    [20. Mai 1988, Broschüre „Stalinism in Crisis“ (Stalinismus in der Krise), S. 10-17] „Die Revolution beginnt von oben“, sagte Marx. Weil sie eine bevorstehende Revolte der Arbeiter*innenklasse spüren, beginnen sich die Spitzen der Gesellschaft in verschiedene Lager aufzuspalten: Die einen suchen nach Reformen, um die Flut abzuwehren, während die anderen auf zunehmende Repression setzen. Marx…

  • Peter Taaffe: Gorbachev and the Left

    [Militant International Review, No 38, Autumn 1988, p. 7-14] Peter Taaffe, Editor of the Militant, examines the response of the left of the British labour movement to the tumultuous events unfolding in the USSR and Eastern Europe. The coming to power of Gorbachev over three years ago was undoubtedly a momentous event in the evolution…

  • Ted Grant: Russland – Reform oder politische Revolution?

    [Bearbeitung der zeitgenössischen Übersetzung in der Voran-Broschüre „Sowjetunion – Reform oder politische Revolution? Ted Grant analysiert Gorbatschows „Reform“-Programm“, April 1987, S. 1-8] Gorbatschows Rede auf dem 27. Parteitag der Kommunistischen Partei im letzten Jahr und jetzt die vor dem Plenum des Zentralkomitees der Partei im Januar 1987 gehaltene Rede stellen eine neue Stufe in der…