Schlagwort: bigotry

  • Lynn Walsh: Rural reaction

    [Socialism Today, No 27, April 1998, p. 9-10] Lynn Walsh on the Countryside Alliance, a political reaction dressed up in a populist lament about rural decline. The countryside’s march swamped central London on Sunday, 1 March. The night before, a chain of hilltop beacons rallied support and signalled the alleged threat to Rural England –…

  • Lynn Walsh: Tories incite bigots

    [Militant No. 883, 12th February 1988, p. 6] The Lords last week approved a pernicious law. Clause 28 of the Tories‘ Local Government Bill will become infamous. The Bill now says that local authorities „shall not promote homosexuality or publish material for the promotion of homosexuality“. Nor shall they „promote the teaching in any maintained…