Ted Grant: Programme of the International [Internal Document, 1970]
World Economy – Post-war Upswing
Ted Grant: From Perspectives 1946 [First part of an internal Document]
Ted Grant: Marxism Versus New Fabianism (Part 1) and Marxism Versus New Fabianism (Part 2) [The International Socialist. A Journal of Labour Opinion, vol. 1, No 4, November- December 1952 and Mai-June 1953]
Ted Grant: Will There Be a Slump? [Document, 1960]
Bourgeois Democracy – Bonapartism – Counter-Revolution in a Democratic Form
Ted Grant: The Changed Relation of Forces in Europe and the Role of the Fourth International [March 1945]
Ted Grant: Democracy or Bonapartism in Europe—A Reply to Pierre Frank [Workers International News, Vol. 6, No. 8, August 1946]
Ted Grant: Socialist Answer to the EEC [Pamphlet]
Peter Taaffe: Introduction [to the pamphlet Common Market – No. Socialist Europe – Yes. The Socialist Case]
CWI European Manifesto for a Socialist Europe [18 March 1999]
Cold War
International Socialist: War and Peace [The International Socialist. A Journal of Labour Opinion, Vol. 1. No 6, September-October 1953]
Ted Grant: Russia and China—“Is War Inevitable under Capitalism?” [Socialist Fight, Vol. “, No 6, October 1960]
Ted Grant: Communist International Conference [Militant International Review, No. 1, Autumn 1969]
Ted Grant: Arms Race, War in the 1980s—“Politics by Other Means” [Militant International Review, No. 29, June 1985]
Ted Grant: World Peace or Uneasy Truce? [Militant International Review, No. 29, Summer 1989]
Stalinism – Soviet Union – Eastern Europe
Resolution of the R.C.P. Conference on the Soviet Union [Workers International News Vol. 6., No. 9]
Ted Grant: Czechoslovakia—The Issues Involved [Socialist Appeal, No. 57, April 1948]
Bill Hunter: Stalinism in Czechoslovakia [Workers International News, Vol. 7, No. 5]
Ted Grant: Against the Theory of State Capitalism—Reply to Comrade Cliff [Internal Document, 1949]
Bill Hunter: The IS and Eastern Europe [Internal Document, May 1949]
Ted Grant: Stalinism in the Post War World [June 1951]
International Socialist: The End of the Epoch – of Stalin [The International Socialist. A Journal of Labour Opinion, Vol. 1, No. 5, May-June 1953]
Ted Grant: The Purge of Stalin [Socialist Current, vol. 1, No. 1, May 1956]
Ted Grant: Meaning of Russia’s New Constitution [Socialist Fight, Vol. 4, No. 4, May 1962]
Ted Grant: What Is Happening in Russia [Socialist Fight, Vol. 5, No. 5, June 1963]
Jimmy Deane: What’s going on in the Kremlin? – Khrushchev’s fall proves shakiness of Soviet bureaucrats [Militant, No. 2, November 1964]
Ted Grant: Crisis in Russia [Militant, No. 8 and 9, September and October 1965]
Roger Silverman: The Gathering Storm in Russia [Militant International Review, 3, Autumn 1969]
Peter Taaffe: Russia: Reform or Political Revolution [Militant International Review, No. 19, Spring 1980]
Rob Sewell: Crisis in Soviet Union [Militant International Review, No. 23, October 1982]
Peter Taaffe: Andropov and after … [Militant International Review, No 25, February 1984]
Peter Taaffe: From bureaucrat to dissident [Militant International Review, No 28, January 1985]
Ted Grant: Russia: reform or political revolution? [Militant pamphlet, 13 February 1987]
Militant: Introduction (to the pamphlet “Stalinism in Crisis“) [pamphlet “Stalinism in Crisis“]
Jeremy Birch: Bureaucracy or Workers’ Democracy? [pamphlet “Stalinism in Crisis“]
Peter Taaffe: Gorbachev’s National Dilemma [25 March 1988, pamphlet “Stalinism in Crisis“]
Peter Taaffe: Splits at the Top, Upheavals from Below [20 May 1988, pamphlet “Stalinism in Crisis“]
Lynn Walsh: The economics of Perestroika [Militant International Review, No 37, Summer 1988]
Peter Taaffe: Gorbachev and the Left [Militant International Review, No 38, Autumn 1988]
Lynn Walsh: Poland and Hungary returning to capitalism? [Militant International Review, No 42, Winter 1990]
Ted Grant: Stalinist Land Programme Wins Peasants—Chiang’s Conscripts Roped to Prevent Escape [Socialist Appeal, No. 66, January 1949]
Ted Grant: Reply to David James [Internal Document, Spring 1949]
Peter Taaffe: The Cultural Revolution [Militant, February 1967, reprinted in the pamphlet China. The Tradition of Struggle, June 1989]
Peter Taaffe: China [Series of Articels, August 1979, pamphlet August 1979]
Peter Taaffe: The 1925-7 Revolution [Edited transcript of a speech given by Peter Taaffe at a Marxist education school in 1980, printed in the pamphlet China. The Tradition of Struggle, June 1989]
Peter Taaffe: The 1944-9 Revolution [Edited transcript of a speech given by Peter Taaffe at a Marxist education school in 1980, printed in the pamphlet China. The Tradition of Struggle, June 1989]
Lynn Walsh: Deng’s Rise to Power [Militant, 17 October 1986, reprinted in the pamphlet China. The Tradition of Struggle, June 1989]
Germany (1940s-1950s)
Ted Grant: Germany—What next? [Socialist Appeal, August 1944]
Ted Grant: The Coming German Revolution [Workers International News, October 1944]
Ted Grant: Why Hitler Came to Power [December 1944, Introduction to the English edition of Trotsk’s pamplet “Germany, the Key to the International Situation“]
Ted Grant: The Character of the European Revolution—A Reply to Some Comrades of the IKD [Workers International News, October 1945]
David James: Fusion in Germany [Socialist Appeal Mid-March 1946]
Revolutionary Communist Party: The Programme of the Communist Party of Germany: A Criticism and an Alternative [Workers International News, April-May 1946]
Ted Grant: National Democratic Revolution or Proletarian Revolution: The Tasks in Germany [Workers International News, January 1947]
Ted Grant: The Ruhr Statute [Socialist Appeal, February 1949]
Ted Grant: Socialism and German Unity [Pamphlet, 1954]
Ted Grant: The Case of Wolfgang Harich [Workers’ International Review, vol. 2 no. 2 (April-May 1957]
Militant: Revolution in Portugal [Militant, 3 May 1974]
Bob Labi (LPYS National Committee): Portugal – Workers Confront Capitalists [Militant, 24 May 1974]
Jim Chrystie: Nicaragua: Somoza goes – the struggle continues [Militant, 27 July 1974]
Bob Labi: Marxism and the Nicaraguan Revolution [Militant International Review, No 27, September 1984]
Alejandro Rojas [Tony Saunois]: Perspectives for the Nicaraguan revolution [Militant International Review, No. 34, Spring 1987]
Alejandro Rojas [Tony Saunois]: The Sandinistas’ defeated – A victory for reaction [Militant International Review, No. 43, Spring 1990]
Fascism – Racism – Nationalism
Roger Silverman: Introduction [to the New Edition of Ted Grant’s The Menace of Fascism—What It Is and How to Fight It ] [Introduction to the pamphlet, 1978]
Racism, Fascism and the Future for Reaction [Resolution of the 6th World Congress of the CWI, December 1993]
Ultra-leftism – Entrism – Methods of Work
Ted Grant: Problems of Entrism [Internal Document, March 1959]
The Proletariat and its Leadership [Final Part of the Discussion Documents „World Perspectives“, 25 June 1974]
Ted Grant: Marxism against Sectarianism [June 1981, Reprinted in The Bulletin of Marxist Studies, Summer 1985]
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