Schlagwort: 1977

  • Lynn Walsh: Kann Sadat Frieden bringen?

    [Eigene Übersetzung des englischen Textes in Militant Nr. 383 vom 25. November 1977, S. 12] Sadats dramatischer Besuch in Israel hat die arabischen Staaten gespalten und weltweite Proteste der Palästinenser*innen hervorgerufen. Der ägyptische Präsident muss jetzt ganz oben auf der Abschussliste der Palästinenser*innen stehen. Ist es überraschend, dass die Palästinenser*innen verärgert sind? Von Israel enteignet,…

  • Lynn Walsh: Socialist Answer to Fascism

    [Militant No. 340, 28 January 1977, p. 5] Significant gains have been chalked up by the National Front in recent parliamentary and local elections. Exploiting bitter disillusionment with the policies of the Labour government. they use vile racist propaganda to whip up support. They are generously supported by the bosses’ gutter press with its sensational…

  • Lynn Walsh: Prentice Defects

    [Militant No. 377, 14th October 1977, p. 1 and 2] Goodbye and good riddance! That is the reaction of most Labour Party members to Reg Prentice’s defection to the Tory Party. “If I blame myself for anything,” Prentice told Walden on ‘Weekend World’, “it is that I did not leave the Labour Party earlier.” This…

  • Lynn Walsh: Letter – Johnstone Distorts Marx and Lenin

    [Militant No. 355, 13th May 1977, p. 9] Dear Comrades In his letter Monty Johnstone (in a passage unfortunately left out by a printing error) repeats the assertion that ‘The Bolsheviks struggled up to 1917 for a democratic dictatorship of the proletariat and peasantry, specifically distinguished from working class power.” But in the article by…

  • Monty Johnstone: Letter – Monty Johnstone Replies

    [Militant No. 354, 6th May 1977, p. 9] Dear Comrade. The Marxist theory of the state is far more complex than is understood by G Selva (15th April), who assumes that Republican Spain (1936-39) could only have been either a bourgeois or a workers’ state. Marx and Engels saw the state “as a rule (as)…

  • Lynn Walsh: Letter – Lynn Walsh Answers Johnstone

    [Militant No. 346, 11th March 1977, p. 9] Dear Comrades The real issues in the debate with Monty Johnstone (of the Communist Party) is the fundamentally mistaken strategy and tactics of the Comintern under Stalin in the Chinese revolution of 1925-7. Comrade Johnstone seems to have lost sight of this. In his letter last week,…

  • Monty Johnstone: Letter – Monty Johnstone Again

    [Militant No. 345, 4th March 1977, p. 9] Dear Comrade May I enjoy once more the courtesy of your columns for a quick off-the-cuff reply to Lynn Walsh’s criticisms in his article “Trotsky and the Chinese Revolution 1925-27”, which I have just read in your current issue? Obviously this line of argument will get us…

  • Lynn Walsh: Trotsky and the Chinese Revolution 1925-1927

    [Militant No. 343, 18 February 1977, p. 6-7] An answer to the letter from Monty Johnstone , of the British Communist Party, by Lynn Walsh Last week [‘Militant’ No 342] we printed a letter from Monty Johnstone of the Communist Party of Great Britain. Comrade Johnstone took up a number of points, particularly on the…

  • Militant: Militant Gives Opponent a Hearing

    [Militant No. 342, 11th February 1977] ‘Militant’ 335 [17 December 1976] carried a letter from Ian Findlay, National Education Officer of the Young Communist League, chiding us for not producing a reply to Monty Johnstone’s “Trotsky and World Revolution”, published in ‘Cogito’ as the second part of a “major critique” of the ideas and activities…

  • Lynn Walsh: Can Sadat Bring Peace?

    [Militant No. 383, 25th November 1977 p. 12 Sadat’s dramatic visit to Israel has split the Arab states and provoked world-wide protests by the Palestinians. The Egyptian president must now be high up on the Palestinians’ hit list. Is it surprising that the Palestinians are incensed? Dispossessed by Israel, harassed in Jordan, and recently, betrayed…