Kategorie: 1924
Leon Trotsky: What are the Tasks of the ‘Peasant Newspaper’?1
[Published on 17 November 1924 in ,Крестьянская Газета‘ [Krest’yanskaya Gazeta, Peasant Newspaper] No. 51. My own translation of the Russian reprint, published in Сочинения. Том 21. Москва-Ленинград, 1927. Проблемы культуры. Культура переходного периода {Sochineniya, Tom 21, Moskva-Leningrad, 1927. Problemy kul’tury. Kul’tura perekhodnogo perioda, Works, Volume 21, Moscow-Leningrad 1927. Problems of culture. Culture of the transition…
Leon Trotsky: Introduction to the Tatar-Language Edition of Problems of Everyday Life
[October 29, 1924, A letter to the Central Publishing House of the Peoples of the East. English translation in: Problems of Everyday Life and Other Writings on Culture & Science. New York, London, Sydney 1973, p. 79] Dear Comrades: I will, of course, be very pleased by the appearance of my book Problems of Everyday…
The victorious city
[My own translation of the Russian text, published in Krasnaya Gazeta [Red Newspaper], No. 245, 26 October 1924, reprinted in Сочинения. Том 17, Советская Республика и капиталистический мир. Часть II. Гражданская война. Москва-Ленинград, 1926 {Sochineniya Tom 17, Sovietskaya Respublika i kapitalisticheskiy mir. Chast‘ II Grashdanskaya voyna. Moskva-Leningrad 1926, Works, Volume 17, The Soviet Republic and…
Leon Trotsky: Preface [to the Collection ‘West and East’.]
[My own translation of the Russian text. Correction by Russian or English native speakers would be extremely welcome] This book is a collection of speeches and articles relating to issues of international politics in recent months. The internal coherence of the parts of the book is given by the character of the ‘compromising’ historical chapter…