Schlagwort: World Economy
Lynn Walsh: Strangulation of Free Trade Marks End of Boom
[Militant No. 580, 4 December 1981 p. 8 and 9] By Lynn Walsh The expansion and liberalisation of world trade was a vital factor in the long post-war boom of Western capitalism. Without it, the enormous upswing could not have developed to the extent it did. Nor could it have been prolonged for over three…
Lynn Walsh: The Rise and Fall of the Welfare State
[Militant No. 1252, 10 November 1995, p. 8 and 9] „Politicians of all hues now agree we can no longer afford the welfare state,“ proclaimed a recent Guardian headline (18 September). The growth of the social security budget is „unsustainable“, claims Peter Lilley, Tory Social Security Secretary. Lynn Walsh looks at – The Rise and…
Militant: Creeping Protectionism
[unsigned, Militant No. 580, 4 December 1981, p. 8] The open trading system, on which the post-war success of western capitalism was based, is slowly being strangled by creeping protectionism. Faced with prolonged world recession, rival capitalist states are abandoning liberal trade policies and adopting ‚beggar thy neighbour‘ measures in an effort to defend their…
Lynn Walsh: Will the oil price rise mean recession?
Crisis in the Gulf Will the oil price rise mean recession? [Militant No. 1004, 10 August 1990, p. 11] The current oil price rise is only a fraction of those of 1973 and 1979, yet it has provoked panic on the world’s stock exchanges. So rickety is the economic framework globally that the capitalists fear…