Schlagwort: Vietnam War
Lynn Walsh: Vietnam
[Militant No. 131, 17 November 1972, p. 2] By Lyn [sic!] Walsh (Ardwick) Manchester Labour Party With hypocrisy probably unprecedented in history, Nixon posed in his election campaign as the candidate fighting for “peace with honour’. He and Kissinger even had the impudence to pose as peace-loving mediators between the war-mongers in Hanoi and Saigon.…
Lynn Walsh: Vietnam Pounded – But Nixon will not escape defeat
[Militant No. 136, 29 December 1972, p. 1 and 2] By Lynn Walsh (Ardwick Labour Party) The vast armoury of mighty American imperialism has once more been unleashed in full force upon the people of North Vietnam. 600 B52 bombers have been pounding the cities. Since the war began, no less than seven million tons…
Lynn Walsh: Vietnam: Puppet Kỳ Rocked by Massive Demonstrations
[Militant No. 16, May 1966, p. 2] By Lynn Walsh For several weeks, beginning in March and continuing through April, the main cities of South Vietnam have been convulsed by mass demonstrations directed against the military junta and against the enforced occupation of US. imperialism. These demonstrations, often with up to 25,000 participating, have shattered…
Lynn Walsh: Afghanistan – Who would benefit from the withdrawal of Russian forces now?
[Militant No. 491, 22nd February 1980, p. 11] In this, the second part of a two-part article, Lynn Walsh explains why ‘Militant’, which condemned the Russian intervention, does not call for their withdrawal now. Although US imperialism will not intervene directly in Afghanistan at this stage, they are already stepping up military aid to General…
Lynn Walsh: Kampuchea – Who is responsible?
[Militant No. 478, 9th November 1979, p. 10] By Lynn Walsh Kampuchea [formerly Cambodia] is a devastated country. A majority of its remaining four to five million people face imminent starvation. Eighty or ninety per cent of the country’s children are suffering from malnutrition. Diseases like malaria, dysentery, and even anthrax – which can be…