Schlagwort: Police

  • Lynn Walsh: Fighting Crime?

    [Militant No. 573, 16 October 1981, p 7 and 11] What do the police chiefs really mean by “fighting crime“? Two weeks ago Militant 571 made the case for democratic accountability of the police and trade union rights for police ranks. Now we investigate the “fight against crime“. „Law and order“ has long been a…

  • Lynn Walsh: Make Police Accountable

    [Militant No. 571, 3rd October 1981, p. 8-9] By Lynn Walsh The riots which erupted in Brixton, Toxteth and other cities in the summer of 1981 once again focused attention on the role of the police. In particular, they highlighted the almost complete lack of accountability, and the need for the labour movement to campaign…

  • Lynn Walsh: Police-state strategy used against miners

    [Militant No. 695, 13th April 1984 p. 7] By Lynn Walsh Up to 8,000 police a day from forty-one out of Britain’s forty-three authorities have been mobilised by the Tory government in the biggest strike-breaking operation since the 1926 general strike. Going far beyond any previous post-war government, Thatcher is deploying the police, para-military fashion,…

  • Lynn Walsh: Trade union rights for police

    [Militant No. 571, 3rd October 1981, p. 9] Workers taking industrial action – particularly when organising picketing, a vital trade union right – have time and again come into conflict with the police. With the Tones‘ new anti-trade union legislation, and the threat of worse to come with Norman Tebbit at the Department of Employment,…