Schlagwort: Periodicals

  • Leon Trotsky: What are the Tasks of the ‘Peasant Newspaper’?1

    [Published on 17 November 1924 in ,Крестьянская Газета‘ [Krest’yanskaya Gazeta, Peasant Newspaper] No. 51. My own translation of the Russian reprint, published in Сочинения. Том 21. Москва-Ленинград, 1927. Проблемы культуры. Культура переходного периода {Sochineniya, Tom 21, Moskva-Leningrad, 1927. Problemy kul’tury. Kul’tura perekhodnogo perioda, Works, Volume 21, Moscow-Leningrad 1927. Problems of culture. Culture of the transition…