Schlagwort: Civil war

  • Lynn Walsh: Nigerian War: Heritage of Imperialism

    [Militant No. 31, November 1967, p. 1 and 3] The Biafran army is being mopped up. Colonel Ojukwu’s promotion to General marks the defeat of his bold attempt to set up an autonomous state within the Federation of Nigeria. In the long run his intelligent, determined manoeuvres, such as the swift seizure of the Mid-West,…

  • Lynn Walsh: A Bosnian ‘peace’

    [Socialism Today, No 3, November 1995, p. 5] There is a cynical fiction at the heart of the US plan for a political settlement in Bosnia: that Bosnia-Herzegovina will continue as a sovereign entity, with a constitutional structure which will reconcile and balance the interests of Muslims, Croats and Serbs. In reality, there will be…

  • Lynn Walsh: Franco – Butcher of Spanish Workers

    [Militant, No. 282, 5th December 1975, p. 4-5 Francisco Franco, Generalissimo and self-styled ‘Caudillo’, will go down in history as the butcher of the Spanish Revolution of 1936-39 and the dictator who imposed over 30 years of totalitarian rule on the Spanish people. As leader of the Nationalist revolt against the Popular Front Government, he…

  • The victorious city

    [My own translation of the Russian text, published in Krasnaya Gazeta [Red Newspaper], No. 245, 26 October 1924, reprinted in Сочинения. Том 17, Советская Республика и капиталистический мир. Часть II. Гражданская война. Москва-Ленинград, 1926 {Sochineniya Tom 17, Sovietskaya Respublika i kapitalisticheskiy mir. Chast‘ II Grashdanskaya voyna. Moskva-Leningrad 1926, Works, Volume 17, The Soviet Republic and…