Schlagwort: anti-racism
Lynn Walsh: Fight racists with socialist arguments
[Militant No. 821, 31 October 1986, p. 4] The extreme right-wing Federation of Conservative Students (FCS) are organising a speaking tour for right-wing Tory MPs, like John Carlisle, known for their racist views. Enoch Powell has already attempted to speak at Bristol University. The aim of the FCS is not just to spread racist ideas.…
6th World Congress of the CWI: Racism, Fascism and the Future for Reaction
[First draft written in November 1993, presented by the International Secretariat, voted in December 1993] An important feature of the present world situation is a certain growth of the forces of reaction: racism, fascist and neo-fascist organisations in Europe; vicious ethnic and national conflict in the former Stalinist states of Eastern Europe and the former…
Roger Silverman: Introduction [to the New Edition of Ted Grant’s The Menace of Fascism—What It Is and How to Fight It ]
[From the new edition of the pamphlet, 1978] The republication of Ted Grant’s classic pamphlet The Menace of Fascism comes at a timely moment. Written in 1948 when the relics of Sir Oswald Mosley’s Blackshirts were attempting to regroup their battered forces in the grim “austerity” days of the postwar Labour Government, its republication today…