Schlagwort: 1986

  • Lynn Walsh: Rassist*innen mit sozialistischen Argumenten bekämpfen

    [eigene Übersetzung des englischen Textes in Militant Nr. 821, 31. Oktober 1986, S. 4] Die extrem rechte Federation of Conservative Students (Föderation Konservativer Studenten, FCS) organisiert eine Vortragsreise für rechte Tory-Abgeordnete wie John Carlisle, die für ihre rassistischen Ansichten bekannt sind. Enoch Powell hat bereits versucht, an der Universität Bristol zu sprechen. Das Ziel der…

  • Lynn Walsh: China – Behind the new Image

    [Militant No. 819, 17 October 1986, p. 10] The Queen’s visit to China symbolises a profound change in the capitalists‘ attitude. Before, the media painted a picture of a regimented population, political thought-control, and unrelenting ‚Communist‘ austerity. Now they present a new China, enlivened by a blossoming market, with political ‚liberalisation‘ and a rapid adoption…

  • Lynn Walsh China: On the road to capitalism?

    [Militant No. 820, 24 October 1986 p. 10] Do the current reforms raise the spectre of capitalist restoration? Even Reagan now refers to Deng’s group as ’so-called Communists‘, perhaps believing that they have seen the light. Those who argue this, whether eager capitalists or apprehensive socialists, greatly exaggerate the scope of the reforms. They are…

  • Lynn Walsh: Fight racists with socialist arguments

    [Militant No. 821, 31 October 1986, p. 4] The extreme right-wing Federation of Conservative Students (FCS) are organising a speaking tour for right-wing Tory MPs, like John Carlisle, known for their racist views. Enoch Powell has already attempted to speak at Bristol University. The aim of the FCS is not just to spread racist ideas.…

  • Lynn Walsh: Extryism

    [Militant No. 812, 29th August 1986, p. 2] Defectors from the Labour Party follow a well-known pattern. Robert Kilroy-Silk, who is resigning his Knowsley seat to join BBC Television, follows in the footsteps of a long line of middle-class extryists who have used the parliamentary Labour Party as a vehicle for their careers. The Labour…

  • Lynn Walsh: Scandal at The Mirror

    [Militant No. 782, 24th January 1986, p. 5] By Lynn Walsh Secretive, unscrupulous, undemocratic, just a few of the expletives thrown at Militant in yet another Mirror tirade. But perhaps the hired pen who dutifully bashed out this “comment” (21 January) should have applied them to his boss? Secretive? Who owns Maxwell’s great organ of…

  • Alejandro Rojas [Tony Saunois]: Perspectives for the Nicaraguan revolution

    [Militant International Review, No 34 Spring 1987, p. 18-28] The American ‘Irangate’ crisis revealed that money raised from the sale of arms to Iran had been used to finance the Nicaraguan ‘Contras’. Once again the future of the Nicaraguan revolution is being raised in the minds of workers and youth throughout the world. July 1979…

  • Lynn Walsh: Deng’s Rise to Power

    [Published in Militant, 17 October 1986, abbreviated reprint in the pamphlet China. The Tradition of Struggle, June 1989, p. 27] The Cultural Revolution began essentially as a purge launched by Mao against top leaders like Liu Shaoqi, Deng Xiaoping, and the group which dominated the apparatus at that time. They had excluded Mao from direct…

  • Alejandro Rojas [Tony Saunois]: Perspektiven für die nicaraguanische Revolution

    [November 1986, eigene Übersetzung nach: Militant International Review, Nr. 34, Frühjahr 1987, S. 18-28] Die amerikanische „Irangate“-Krise hat enthüllt, dass Gelder aus dem Verkauf von Waffen an den Iran zur Finanzierung der nicaraguanischen „Contras“ verwendet wurden. Einmal mehr stellt sich die Frage der Zukunft der nicaraguanischen Revolution in den Köpfen der Arbeiter*innen und Jugendlichen in…