Schlagwort: 1980
Militant: Creeping Protectionism
[unsigned, Militant No. 580, 4 December 1981, p. 8] The open trading system, on which the post-war success of western capitalism was based, is slowly being strangled by creeping protectionism. Faced with prolonged world recession, rival capitalist states are abandoning liberal trade policies and adopting ‚beggar thy neighbour‘ measures in an effort to defend their…
Lyon Walsh: Only the Labour Movement can prevent World War
[Militant No. 505, 30 May 1980, p. 8 and 9] Military rivalry and war – potentially the danger of a totally destructive world war – is rooted in capitalist society. How could it be otherwise in a system based on class exploitation and oppression, with irreconcilable national rivalries between the powers and the neo-colonial exploitation…
Militant: Iranian Fiasco
[Editorial, Militant no. 501, p. 2] The abortive attempt to rescue the 50 American hostages from the embassy in Tehran was a desperate measure on the part of Carter. The President himself had earlier said that any such attempt would almost certainly lead to the death of the hostages. Yet clearly, the pressure of public…
Lynn Walsh: Tito – The Path to Power – And Conflict With Stalin
[Militant No. 503, 16th May 1980, p. 8-9] The post-war split between Russia and Yugoslavia gave rise to the myth that Tito was “different”, with wide-spread illusions that his regime was less dictatorial, more democratic than Stalin’s. Despite Tito’s undoubted popularity as the leader of the mass guerrilla struggle which liberated the country from Nazi…
Lynn Walsh: A Reply to Tribune’s Editor
[Militant 497, 4th April 1980, p. 2] By Lynn Walsh “Tribune” (28th March) published an extraordinary editorial, “Underhill, the Militant Tendency and the fight for democratic socialism,” which demands an answer. While purporting to oppose the right wing’s attempts to launch a witch-hunt against the Militant, the editorial in fact launches into a vitriolic attack…
Lynn Walsh: When the Steel Bosses Sabotaged the Law
[Militant No. 489, 8th February 1980, p. 7] By Lynn Walsh Lord Denning’s blatant class ruling against the steel workers has provoked an explosion of anger among trade unionists. The Tories – echoed, unfortunately, by labour and trade union leaders – are again preaching sermons about the „sanctity of the law“, the „impartiality of the…
Lynn Walsh: Afghanistan – Invaded or Liberated?
[Militant No. 499, 18th April 1980, p. 11] What should be the attitude of Marxists to Russia’s involvement in Afghanistan? We print right two letters from our readers [first printed in our 21 March edition] which raise two alternatives and a reply below from Lynn Walsh. The letters on Afghanistan from Chris Evers and Tom…
Lynn Walsh: Afghanistan – Who would benefit from the withdrawal of Russian forces now?
[Militant No. 491, 22nd February 1980, p. 11] In this, the second part of a two-part article, Lynn Walsh explains why ‘Militant’, which condemned the Russian intervention, does not call for their withdrawal now. Although US imperialism will not intervene directly in Afghanistan at this stage, they are already stepping up military aid to General…
Lynn Walsh: Afghanistan
[Militant No. 490, 15th February 1980, p. 10] Marxists could not support the Russian bureaucracy’s invasion because of its reactionary consequences internationally. But once Russian forces had gone in, it would have been wrong to call for their withdrawal. Dear Comrade, I have just read Ted Grant’s article on Afghanistan [Militant 486, 18 January]. The…
Lynn Walsh: When Britain Invaded Soviet Russia
[Militant No. 511, 11th July 1980, p. 8] By Lynn Walsh (review of Andrew Rothstein’s ‘When Britain Invaded Soviet Russia: The Consul Who Rebelled’) The Tories in Britain, and the representatives of capitalism internationally, have whipped up a frenzied propaganda campaign against the Russian invasion in Afghanistan. But in 1917, when the workers and peasants…