Schlagwort: 1978
Lynn Walsh: Iran: Peacock Throne Crumbling
[Militant No. 436, 15 December 1978] Last weekend the whole of Iran was paralysed by massive demonstrations as millions and millions of people took to the streets demanding an end to the Shah’s dictatorship. On Sunday, a million people flooded the streets of Tehran. Next day, even more came out. The army, incapable of damming…
Lynn Walsh: Tories Declare War on Workers
[Militant 411 – 23rd June 1978 p. 1 and 16] By Lynn Walsh Mrs Thatcher claims she is maligned. “Labour will try to paint me as a reactionary, implying a sort of early return to the Middle Ages,” she moaned recently. What she really wants, the Tory leader explained, is “to get everyone a capitalist…
Lynn Walsh: Budget hand-outs: no substitute for socialist policies
[Militant No. 401, 14th April 1978, p. 2] By Lynn Walsh The labour movement will welcome the positive points in Denis Healey’s budget, which have already brought a torrent of criticism and denunciation from the Tories and big business. Most workers will be slightly better off as a result of the tax cuts. Low-income families…
Lynn Walsh: Bosses Plan New Attack on Unions
[Militant No. 429, 27th October 1978, p. 1 and 12] By Lynn Walsh The Labour government must drop wage restraint and carry out bold socialist policies to benefit workers. The Ford workers’ action for better pay and conditions having an effect in unexpected quarters. Church of England parsons met in London to discuss how to…
Lynn Walsh: ABC Secrets Case – Re-Trial Ordered After Jury Foreman Found to be Ex-SAS Man
[Militant No. 424, 22nd September 1978, p. 2] The “ABC” secrets trial at the Old Bailey was halted by Mr Justice Willis on Monday following the mention on LWT’s ‘Saturday Night People’ programme that one of the jurors was an ex-SAS paratrooper. Judge Willis condemned the mention by Christopher Hitchen of the ‘New Statesman’ of…
Lynn Walsh: Rhodesia: White Regime losing ground
[Militant No. 316, 6th August 1976, p. 8] Remorseless pressure from the guerrilla fighters is steadily undermining the position of the Smith regime. Despite all the usual official denials, it is clear that the Rhodesian security forces are having more and more difficulty holding their own. Not only have the guerilla incursions continued along the…
Lynn Walsh: Nearly 40 years late, the French communist party has admitted that Stalin ordered Trotsky’s assassination
[Militant No. 426, 6th October 1978, p. 8-9] The PCF leadership has touched on a subject which threatens to have explosive repercussions within their own ranks. In mentioning the historical personality of Trotsky, however tentatively, the CP leaders cannot but foster interest among CP-influenced workers, for whom Trotsky’s ideas were previously official anathema. Nearly forty…
Lynn Walsh: What is happening in Ethiopia?
[Militant No. 395 – 3rd March 1978, p. 10] In the last few weeks the Ethiopian regime has begun a massive counter-offensive against Somali-backed forces in Ogaden, the region of Ethiopia claimed by Somalia. From all accounts, vast quantities of Russian arms have been air-lifted in and the Ethiopian army has been stiffened with about…
Lynn Walsh: Zaire – Why France sent the Foreign Legion
[Militant, No. 409, 9th June 1978, p. 10-11] In the past, the ruling classes of Europe have boasted of their “civilising” role in Africa, and of how they granted “emergent nations” their independence when “the time was ripe”. Events in Zaire, however, reveal just how far direct colonial domination was replaced by indirect exploitation –…
Lynn Walsh: Ethiopia, Eritrea, Somalia and Ogaden – Only International Perspectives can resolve National Antagonisms
[Militant No. 396, 10th March 1978, p. 8-9] There is turmoil in Ethiopia, with the regime of the Dergue fighting a bitter war on two fronts. Last week’s article explained the momentous events in Ethiopia since the fall of Haile Selassie in 1974. Analysing the social character of the new regime, it explained that, on…