Schlagwort: Trade Union

  • Lynn Walsh: Bosses Plan New Attack on Unions

    [Militant No. 429, 27th October 1978, p. 1 and 12] By Lynn Walsh The Labour government must drop wage restraint and carry out bold socialist policies to benefit workers. The Ford workers’ action for better pay and conditions having an effect in unexpected quarters. Church of England parsons met in London to discuss how to…

  • Lynn Walsh: Trade union rights for police

    [Militant No. 571, 3rd October 1981, p. 9] Workers taking industrial action – particularly when organising picketing, a vital trade union right – have time and again come into conflict with the police. With the Tones‘ new anti-trade union legislation, and the threat of worse to come with Norman Tebbit at the Department of Employment,…

  • Lynn Walsh: Portugal – Leaders Manoeuvre Over Workers Heads

    [Militant No. 245, 28th February 1975, p. 4-5] In the issue before last we carried a full analysis of the arguments in relation to the proposals for ‘Trade Union Unity’ in Portugal in which we argued in favour of unity, but on the basis of complete democracy and freedom of debate within the workers’ organisations…

  • Lynn Walsh: What Will Happen in Labour Britain

    [Socialism Today, No 17, April 1997, p. 11-16] Despite the interchangeability of Tory and New Labour policies, Labour’s likely election victory will open up a new era in British politics, accelerating the re-emergence of mass workers‘ struggles and the revival of socialist ideas. Lynn Walsh writes. By delaying the general election to the last possible…

  • Lynn Walsh: The General Strike: 1926 and Now

    [Militant International Review, No. 11, August 1976, p. 1-12] General strikes are not accidental occurrences, simply the result of mistakes or misunderstandings between leaders. Nor can general strikes be brought about merely by small groups of political activists calling for general-strike action regardless of the time and conditions. A general strike inevitably arises from the…