Schlagwort: Strike

  • Lynn Walsh: Trade union rights for police

    [Militant No. 571, 3rd October 1981, p. 9] Workers taking industrial action – particularly when organising picketing, a vital trade union right – have time and again come into conflict with the police. With the Tones‘ new anti-trade union legislation, and the threat of worse to come with Norman Tebbit at the Department of Employment,…

  • Lynn Walsh: Victory for US unions

    [Socialism Today, No 22, October 1997, p. 22-27] Teamsters Rock UPS Picket lines turned into celebrations on 19 August, when the provisional agreement with UPS was announced. Through determined, united action, 185,000 Teamsters had defeated Big Brown, the Universal Parcel Service of America, Inc. Lynn Walsh reports. “Outside the UPS depot on the West Side…