Schlagwort: Stalinism
Lynn Walsh: Postscript [to the new edition of Jan Valtin’s Out of the Night]
[Jan Valtin, Out of the Night, Fortress, London 1988, p. 659-677] Jan Valtin’s Out of the Night was first published in 1941 in the United States, by the Alliance Book Corporation of New York. It immediately became a best seller, and eventually sold over a million copies. The first British edition was published in May…
Lynn Walsh: On the Brink of War
[Militant No. 1006, 31 August 1990, p. 8 and 9] Lynn Walsh looks at the effect on the world The forces for war in the Middle East are in place. The massive build-up of US weaponry and troops continues day and night. For the moment US president Bush appears to have stepped back from the…
Lynn Walsh: Russian leaders admit frame-ups
[Militant No. 884, 19 February 1988, p. 6] One of the most famous ‘non-persons’ of the Russian revolution has been officially readmitted to the pages of soviet history. By Lynn Walsh Nikolai Bukharin, prominent Bolshevik leader and friend of Lenin, was not a traitor, spy, or fascist agent. Like twenty other defendants, he was the…
Lynn Walsh: Poland: Defeat for workers – but military can’t solve crisis
[Militant No 583, 8 January 1982, p. 9] By Lynn Walsh With brutal efficiency General Jaruzelski’s military council has consolidated the reaction of Poland’s ruling bureaucracy. Thousands of Solidarity leaders have been arrested and interned or thrown into jail. Military trials, for the „crime“ of fighting for trade union rights and political freedoms for the…
Lynn Walsh: The Struggle for Peace … is the Struggle for Socialism
[Militant No. 649, 6 May 1983, p. 8 and 9] The British government recently carried out an underground nuclear test in Nevada. The press reported that it had been a „small explosion“, equivalent to less than 20,000 tons of TNT, about the size of the bomb that obliterated Hiroshima in 1945. But this bomb was…
Lynn Walsh: Leon Trotsky: 1879-1979
[Militant No 477, 2 November 1979, p. 8 and 9] A Hundred Years After his Birth, Militant Celebrates a Great Revolutionary Leon Trotsky: 1879-1979 What need is there to justify celebration of the 100th anniversary of Leon Trotsky’s birth? Known to history by his pseudonym, Trotsky was born Lev Davidovitch Bronstein in the Ukraine on…
Lynn Walsh: 50 years after D-Day: The World at War
[Militant, No. 1185, 10 June 1994, p 8 and 9] Despite saturation coverage, none of the TV programmes have fully analysed what really lay behind the D-Day landings. Lynn Walsh, editor of Militant International Review, explains: Scoundrels in the theme-park The Tories made a big mistake when they tried to use the D-Day anniversary to…
Lynn Walsh: Deng draws the line at democracy.
[Militant No. 834, 13 February 1987, p. 10] When China’s student protestors put up posters demanding democracy, they signed them with pseudonyms. They remembered that the last big wave of student and youth protest, the Democratic Movement of 1978-79, was suppressed, and over 200 of its leaders jailed. By Lynn Walsh But one of the…
Lynn Walsh: China – Behind the new Image
[Militant No. 819, 17 October 1986, p. 10] The Queen’s visit to China symbolises a profound change in the capitalists‘ attitude. Before, the media painted a picture of a regimented population, political thought-control, and unrelenting ‚Communist‘ austerity. Now they present a new China, enlivened by a blossoming market, with political ‚liberalisation‘ and a rapid adoption…
Lynn Walsh China: On the road to capitalism?
[Militant No. 820, 24 October 1986 p. 10] Do the current reforms raise the spectre of capitalist restoration? Even Reagan now refers to Deng’s group as ’so-called Communists‘, perhaps believing that they have seen the light. Those who argue this, whether eager capitalists or apprehensive socialists, greatly exaggerate the scope of the reforms. They are…