Schlagwort: Reg Prentice
Lynn Walsh: Newham North East – Infiltrators’ Secret Blueprint
[Militant No. 375, 30th September 1977, p. 5] A secret and very revealing document has come to light. It throws considerable light on the clandestine approach and methods of the outside right-wing elements who have involved themselves in the fight to get Reg Prentice readopted as Newham North East Constituency’s parliamentary candidate. The document takes…
Lynn Walsh: Prentice Defects
[Militant No. 377, 14th October 1977, p. 1 and 2] Goodbye and good riddance! That is the reaction of most Labour Party members to Reg Prentice’s defection to the Tory Party. “If I blame myself for anything,” Prentice told Walden on ‘Weekend World’, “it is that I did not leave the Labour Party earlier.” This…