Schlagwort: No Platform
Lynn Walsh: Socialist Answer to Fascism
[Militant No. 340, 28 January 1977, p. 5] Significant gains have been chalked up by the National Front in recent parliamentary and local elections. Exploiting bitter disillusionment with the policies of the Labour government. they use vile racist propaganda to whip up support. They are generously supported by the bosses’ gutter press with its sensational…
Lynn Walsh: Fight racists with socialist arguments
[Militant No. 821, 31 October 1986, p. 4] The extreme right-wing Federation of Conservative Students (FCS) are organising a speaking tour for right-wing Tory MPs, like John Carlisle, known for their racist views. Enoch Powell has already attempted to speak at Bristol University. The aim of the FCS is not just to spread racist ideas.…