Schlagwort: National Question
Lynn Walsh: Scottish Assembly Now
[Militant No. 446, 9th March 1979, p. 1 and 16] By a narrow majority [51.6%], those who voted in the referendum in Scotland came out in favour of an Assembly as proposed in the government’s Scotland Act. Although the Yes vote – 32.5% (with 37.1% abstaining) – falls short of the 40% minimum imposed by…
Lynn Walsh: Zaire – Why France sent the Foreign Legion
[Militant, No. 409, 9th June 1978, p. 10-11] In the past, the ruling classes of Europe have boasted of their “civilising” role in Africa, and of how they granted “emergent nations” their independence when “the time was ripe”. Events in Zaire, however, reveal just how far direct colonial domination was replaced by indirect exploitation –…
Lynn Walsh: Ethiopia, Eritrea, Somalia and Ogaden – Only International Perspectives can resolve National Antagonisms
[Militant No. 396, 10th March 1978, p. 8-9] There is turmoil in Ethiopia, with the regime of the Dergue fighting a bitter war on two fronts. Last week’s article explained the momentous events in Ethiopia since the fall of Haile Selassie in 1974. Analysing the social character of the new regime, it explained that, on…
Peter Taaffe: Gorbachev’s National Dilemma
[25 March 1988, pamphlet „Stalinism in Crisis“, p. 19-29] The mighty events in Armenia just a few weeks ago have shaken the Stalinist regime represented by Gorbachev to its foundations. Never before, at least in its own ‘backyard’, has the bureaucratic elite which dominates Russian society faced a challenge on such a scale. A mounting…
Peter Taaffe: From bureaucrat to dissident
[Militant International Review, No 28, January 1985, p. 9-15] Peter Taaffe analyses the recently published memoirs of Pyotor Grigorenko. The figure of Grigorenko is familiar to those who followed the so-called „dissident“ movement in Russia in the 1960’s and early 1970’s. Because of his determined and heroic opposition to Stalinism he was the only Red…
Ted Grant: National Democratic Revolution or Proletarian Revolution: The Tasks in Germany
[Workers International News, vol. 7 no.1, January-February 1947, p 18-27, the substantial extract published in The Unbroken Thread is here] (Discussion Article) The comrades of the I.K.D. (a section of the German Émigré Trotskyists) have replied to our criticism of their Three Theses in an article entitled Two Balance Sheets published in October 1946 Workers…
Peter Taaffe: Andropov and after …
[Militant International Review, No 25, February 1984, p. 11-19] Just before he died Moscow wags had already passed verdict on Andropov’s brief fifteen months in power. A variation on an old joke read as follows: Stalin, Khrushchev, Brezhnev and Andropov are travelling on a red train. The train breaks down. “Fix it” orders Stalin. They…