Schlagwort: CP
Lynn Walsh: 1936/1937 – Lessons of the Popular Front
[Militant No. 315, 30th July 1976, p. 6-7] Forty years ago, on the 18th July 1936, General Franco launched the military revolt which began three years of civil war and drowned the Spanish Revolution in blood. For Europe, the defeat of the Spanish workers and the strengthening of fascism meant a fatal step nearer to…
Lynn Walsh: The General Strike: 1926 and Now
[Militant International Review, No. 11, August 1976, p. 1-12] General strikes are not accidental occurrences, simply the result of mistakes or misunderstandings between leaders. Nor can general strikes be brought about merely by small groups of political activists calling for general-strike action regardless of the time and conditions. A general strike inevitably arises from the…
Monty Johnstone: Letter – Monty Johnstone Replies
[Militant No. 354, 6th May 1977, p. 9] Dear Comrade. The Marxist theory of the state is far more complex than is understood by G Selva (15th April), who assumes that Republican Spain (1936-39) could only have been either a bourgeois or a workers’ state. Marx and Engels saw the state “as a rule (as)…
Lynn Walsh: Letter – Lynn Walsh Answers Johnstone
[Militant No. 346, 11th March 1977, p. 9] Dear Comrades The real issues in the debate with Monty Johnstone (of the Communist Party) is the fundamentally mistaken strategy and tactics of the Comintern under Stalin in the Chinese revolution of 1925-7. Comrade Johnstone seems to have lost sight of this. In his letter last week,…
Monty Johnstone: Letter – Monty Johnstone Again
[Militant No. 345, 4th March 1977, p. 9] Dear Comrade May I enjoy once more the courtesy of your columns for a quick off-the-cuff reply to Lynn Walsh’s criticisms in his article “Trotsky and the Chinese Revolution 1925-27”, which I have just read in your current issue? Obviously this line of argument will get us…
Militant: Militant Gives Opponent a Hearing
[Militant No. 342, 11th February 1977] ‘Militant’ 335 [17 December 1976] carried a letter from Ian Findlay, National Education Officer of the Young Communist League, chiding us for not producing a reply to Monty Johnstone’s “Trotsky and World Revolution”, published in ‘Cogito’ as the second part of a “major critique” of the ideas and activities…
Militant: Trotsky and Revolution
[Militant No. 335, 17th December 1976, p. 9] Dear Comrades, Will ‘Militant’ be making any reply to, or a review of the recent Young Communist League publication COGITO entitled “Trotsky and World Revolution” (published May 1976 and now reprinted). This represents the second part of a major critique by the YCL of the ideas of…
Peter Taaffe: Gorbachev and the Left
[Militant International Review, No 38, Autumn 1988, p. 7-14] Peter Taaffe, Editor of the Militant, examines the response of the left of the British labour movement to the tumultuous events unfolding in the USSR and Eastern Europe. The coming to power of Gorbachev over three years ago was undoubtedly a momentous event in the evolution…