Schlagwort: Spanish Civil War
Lynn Walsh: 1936/1937 – Lessons of the Popular Front
[Militant No. 315, 30th July 1976, p. 6-7] Forty years ago, on the 18th July 1936, General Franco launched the military revolt which began three years of civil war and drowned the Spanish Revolution in blood. For Europe, the defeat of the Spanish workers and the strengthening of fascism meant a fatal step nearer to…
Lynn Walsh: Letter – Johnstone Distorts Marx and Lenin
[Militant No. 355, 13th May 1977, p. 9] Dear Comrades In his letter Monty Johnstone (in a passage unfortunately left out by a printing error) repeats the assertion that ‘The Bolsheviks struggled up to 1917 for a democratic dictatorship of the proletariat and peasantry, specifically distinguished from working class power.” But in the article by…
Monty Johnstone: Letter – Monty Johnstone Replies
[Militant No. 354, 6th May 1977, p. 9] Dear Comrade. The Marxist theory of the state is far more complex than is understood by G Selva (15th April), who assumes that Republican Spain (1936-39) could only have been either a bourgeois or a workers’ state. Marx and Engels saw the state “as a rule (as)…