Schlagwort: May 1968

  • Lynn Walsh: Argentina General Strike

    [Militant No. 51, July 1969, p. 2] Worldwide Repercussions of French Upheavals On 30-31 May Argentina was shaken by one of the biggest general strikes in its turbulent history. This massive movement, which affected all the main cities, was set off by what the capitalist press lightly called a ‚trivial incident‘: the prices of meals…

  • Lynn Walsh: Trade union rights for police

    [Militant No. 571, 3rd October 1981, p. 9] Workers taking industrial action – particularly when organising picketing, a vital trade union right – have time and again come into conflict with the police. With the Tones‘ new anti-trade union legislation, and the threat of worse to come with Norman Tebbit at the Department of Employment,…

  • Lynn Walsh: The General Strike: 1926 and Now

    [Militant International Review, No. 11, August 1976, p. 1-12] General strikes are not accidental occurrences, simply the result of mistakes or misunderstandings between leaders. Nor can general strikes be brought about merely by small groups of political activists calling for general-strike action regardless of the time and conditions. A general strike inevitably arises from the…